EPA-Approved SARS-CoV-2 Disinfectants

8 rows where "Date_on_List_N" is on date 2020-04-23 and Formulation_type contains "Ready-to-use" sorted by Contact_time

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  • Ready-to-use · 8

Date_on_List_N (date)

  • 2020-04-23 · 8


ID EPA_reg_num Risk_level Active_ingredient Product_name Company Use_site Surface_type Contact_time ▼ Formulation_type Date_on_List_N Why_on_List_N
1329 70627-80 Safer Hydrogen peroxide Oxivir™ HC Wipes Diversey Inc Healthcare; Institutional Hard Nonporous (HN); Food Contact Post-Rinse Required (FCR) 0.25 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-04-23 Tested against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1328 70627-79 Safer Hydrogen peroxide Oxivir™ HC Disinfectant Cleaner Diversey Inc Healthcare; Institutional Hard Nonporous (HN); Food Contact Post-Rinse Required (FCR) 1.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-04-23 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1346 87518-1 Increased Risk Hypochlorous acid Hsp2O HSP USA LLC Healthcare; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN); Food Contact Post-Rinse Required (FCR) 1.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-04-23 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1343 73232-1 Increased Risk Isopropanol (Isopropyl alcohol); Quaternary ammonium Alpet D2 Best Sanitizers Inc Healthcare; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 5.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-04-23 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1319 91176-2 Safer 1,2-hexanediol PELS 422 The Gilla Company LLC Healthcare; Institutional Hard Nonporous (HN) 10.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-04-23 Kills a human coronavirus similar SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
1322 74436-1 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium EasyDECON Part 1 EFT Holdings Inc Healthcare; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN); Food Contact Post-Rinse Required (FCR) 10.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-04-23 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1323 74436-2 Safer Hydrogen peroxide EasyDECON Part 2 EFT Holdings Inc Healthcare; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN); Food Contact Post-Rinse Required (FCR) 10.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-04-23 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1325 87492-1 Increased Risk Chlorine dioxide Electro-Biocide Strategic Resource Optimization Inc Healthcare; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 10.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-04-23 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim

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