EPA-Approved SARS-CoV-2 Disinfectants

2 rows where Active_ingredient contains "Citric acid" and "Date_on_List_N" is on date 2022-08-31 sorted by Formulation_type

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Active_ingredient (array)

  • Citric acid · 2

Use_site (array)

Surface_type (array)

Formulation_type (array)

Date_on_List_N (date)

  • 2022-08-31 · 2


ID EPA_reg_num Risk_level Active_ingredient Product_name Company Use_site Surface_type Contact_time Formulation_type ▼ Date_on_List_N Why_on_List_N
2410 100766-1 Safer Citric acid Dolphin Green Italkem SRL Unipersonale Institutional Hard Nonporous (HN) 10.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-08-31 Kills a human coronavirus similar SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
2411 5813-134 Safer Citric acid Atticus The Clorox Co. Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 0.5 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-08-31 Tested against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim

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