EPA-Approved SARS-CoV-2 Disinfectants

12 rows where Contact_time = "3.0" and Why_on_List_N = "Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim" sorted by ID descending

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  • 3.0 · 12


  • Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim · 12


ID ▲ EPA_reg_num Risk_level Active_ingredient Product_name Company Use_site Surface_type Contact_time Formulation_type Date_on_List_N Why_on_List_N
1741 70627-82 Safer Hydrogen peroxide Oxivir Three 64 Diversey Inc Healthcare; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN); Food Contact Post-Rinse Required (FCR) 3.0 minutes Dilutable 2021-03-16 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1437 67619-9 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium PJW-622 Clorox Professional Products Company Healthcare; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 3.0 minutes Wipe 2020-03-13 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1426 46781-15 Increased Risk Sodium hypochlorite Cavicide Bleach Metrex Research Healthcare; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 3.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-03-13 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1303 64240-44 Increased Risk Sodium hypochlorite Soft Scrub with Bleach Combat Insect Control Systems Healthcare; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 3.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-05-07 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1294 4822-530 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium Fantastik® All-Purpose Cleaner S.C. Johnson & Son Inc Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN); Food Contact Post-Rinse Required (FCR) 3.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-05-07 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1281 34810-37 Safer Citric acid Wexford Disinfectant Wipes Wexford Labs Inc Healthcare; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN); Food Contact Post-Rinse Required (FCR) 3.0 minutes Wipe 2021-02-18 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1177 42048-4 Safer L-Lactic acid Sani-Cide EX3 (10X) RTU Celeste Industries Corp Institutional Hard Nonporous (HN) 3.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-04-02 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1176 88897-2 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium; Ethanol (Ethyl alcohol); Isopropanol (Isopropyl alcohol) Panther Disinfectant Maxill Inc Healthcare; Institutional Hard Nonporous (HN) 3.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-04-02 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1155 1839-225 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium SC-RTU-TB Stepan Company Healthcare; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN); Food Contact Post-Rinse Required (FCR) 3.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-04-16 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1154 70627-35 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium Envy Foaming Disinfectant Cleaner Diversey Inc Healthcare; Institutional Hard Nonporous (HN); Food Contact Post-Rinse Required (FCR) 3.0 minutes Dilutable 2020-04-16 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1151 3862-188 Increased Risk Phenolic Disinfectant Spray 2 ABC Compounding Co Inc Healthcare; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 3.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-09-03 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
1024 91691-1 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium BioPledge Antimicrobial Power BioPledge LLC Healthcare; Institutional Hard Nonporous (HN) 3.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2020-11-19 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim

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