EPA-Approved SARS-CoV-2 Disinfectants

26 rows where "Date_on_List_N" is on date 2022-11-28

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ID ▼ EPA_reg_num Risk_level Active_ingredient Product_name Company Use_site Surface_type Contact_time Formulation_type Date_on_List_N Why_on_List_N
1450 96274-1 Increased Risk Hypochlorous acid Sanera Elektroko Hospital; Institutional Hard Nonporous (HN) 10.0 minutes Ready to Use 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2460 5813-132 Safer Citric acid Tron The Clorox Co. Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 2.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2462 5813-132 Safer Citric acid Tron The Clorox Co. Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 2.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2464 74559-11 Safer Hydrogen peroxide Oxy-5 (Concentrate) Disinfectant Cleaner Virox Technolgies, Inc. Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 5.0 minutes Dilutable 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2465 88472-1 Safer L-Lactic acid B Cleaner International Consolidation Buisness Inc. Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 5.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-11-28 Tested against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
2466 5813-132 Safer Citric acid Tron The Clorox Co. Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 2.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2468 5813-132 Safer Citric acid Tron The Clorox Co. Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 2.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2469 63761-11   Sodium percarbonate; Tetraacetylethylenediamine Provastride Sterilex LLC. Hospital; Institutional Hard Nonporous (HN) 1.5 minutes Dilutable 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2470 4582-74 Safer L-Lactic acid Sparkling Citrus Fabuloso Complete Anitbacterial Multi-Purpose Cleaner Colgate-Palmolive Company Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 10.0 minutes Dilutable 2022-11-28 Tested against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
2472 397-13 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium; Isopropyl alcohol; Phenothrin Steri-Fab Nobel Pine Products Co. Hospital; Institutional Hard Nonporous (HN) 10.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-11-28 Tested against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
2473 95158-1 Safer Ethanol (Ethyl alcohol) ProtecTeaV Camellix, LLC Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 1.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2474 94602-34 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium GBS 50% Sanitizer Gray Beard, LLC Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN); Porous (Laundry pre-soak) 10.0 minutes Dilutable 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2475 94602-33 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium GBS 20% Sanitizer Gray Beard, LLC Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN); Porous (Laundry pre-soak) 10.0 minutes Dilutable 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2476 94602-32 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium GBS 7.5% Sanitizer Gray Beard, LLC Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN); Porous (Laundry pre-soak) 10.0 minutes Dilutable 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2477 94602-31 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium GBS 2.5% Sanitizer Gray Beard, LLC Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN); Porous (Laundry pre-soak) 10.0 minutes Dilutable 2022-11-28 Tested against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2478 92388-2 Safer Citric acid; Hydrogen peroxide; L-Lactic acid Lemi Shine Disinfectant Spray Lemi Shine Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 5.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2479 80346-2 Safer Hydrogen peroxide MDF-200 MODEC Decon Formulation part B Modec Inc. Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 10.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2480 80346-1 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium MDF-200 MODEC Decon Formulation part A Modec Inc. Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 10.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2481 777-145 Safer Citric acid Maggi Reckitt Benckiser LLC Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 5.0 minutes Dilutable 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2482 69687-1 Increased Risk Sodium hypochlorite Micro-Kill Bleach Germicidal Bleach Wipes Medline Industries Inc. Hospital; Institutional Hard Nonporous (HN) 0.5 minutes Wipe 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2483 68959-9 Increased Risk Sodium hypochlorite HYPO-CHLOR Neutral 0.52% Veltek Associates Inc Hospital; Institutional Hard Nonporous (HN) 5.0 minutes Dilutable 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2484 67619-47 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium Fortify Clorox Professional Products Company Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 5.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2485 63838-35 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium EP-Q10 Enviro Tech Chemical Services Inc Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 10.0 minutes Dilutable 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2486 63838-33 Safer Ethanol (Ethyl alcohol) Drycide Enviro Tech Chemical Services Inc Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 0.5 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2487 95292-1 Increased Risk Hypochlorous acid Ionopure 1650 Ionogen, LLC Hospital; Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 1.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-11-28 Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); Emerging viral pathogen claim
2488 3573-103 Increased Risk Quaternary ammonium Hestia The Proctor & Gamble Company Institutional; Residential Hard Nonporous (HN) 5.0 minutes Ready-to-use 2022-11-28 Tested against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)

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